How to Order Course Materials
Order Online
- Go to our shop and compare site by clicking here.
- Select the appropriate term
- Select each of your courses fromt the Department, Catalog Number, and Section dropdowns
- Once all of your courses are selected, click the Begin Shopping button
- View your purchase options and compare prices with other booksellers.
- Place your order. Choose "Pick Up at the UMKC Health Sciences Bookstore" to pick up your books when you arrive on campus.
Shop In-Store
No need to bring your schedule! Print your book list from one of our kiosks to shop in-store. One of our Textbook associates will be happy to assist if you have any questions about your course materials.
AutoAccess Materials
You do not need to come in to the store or order AutoAccess items as they will be delivered through Canvas digitally and will be accessible to you on the first day of class. The cost of these materials will be automatically charged to your student account. For questions about AutoAccess, click here to access our AutoAccess help portal.